Mercury's coming OUT of retrograde!--Whew!!!
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Mercury's coming out of retrograde Tuesday,16 August, but we'll feel the effects until week's end. I sure have. All that new work that I was going to do for my Just Prints Gallery has gotten stuck on the drawing board. The "Muses" were very uncooperative, co-ordination of everything was off, heat wave muddled this ever aging brain--you name it! I'd like to think of times like this as recharging the batteries, letting the sub-conscious take over--can be hard though when the subconscious is muddled by a Mercury retrograde, or plain old rest and relaxation. Whatever, like Jacob, of Biblical fame, sometimes we just have to lie on out backs and watch the angels go up and down the ladder. Is this what the shrinks call burnout?
But something very strange happened on the way to chalking up another day to confusion. After a cool shower and a nice fruit drink, this old head started to clear. Honestly, I don't know how it happened. Found myself drawing away; & what I couldn't accomplish in a week was done in an hour or so. Sometimes wonder if I suffer from temporary retardation. Strange how things sometimes fall into place when we cease to make an effort. Maybe my mother was right about holding your mouth right.
Satchel Page said it best: "Sometimes I sets and thinks and sometimes I just sets." Lot of wisdom in those words!
Have a great week!
~Paula Gaon