Beautiful & Fun Things

By BoomSpress-BabyBoomersExpress
Stream Of Conscious Ramblings of a Life Long Learner

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

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Hello, Paula Gaon here, Libra Sun, Cancer Rising, Aquarius Moon. Nice to meet you. I'm one of many aging BabyBoomers scratching my head and wondering where the time went and why I still feel so confused. That planned career never came to fruition, and earning a living is just a necessary chore. A few years ago, after that proverbial mid-life crisis-which I prefer to think of as an extended adolescence, and my mother's advice, decided to get back to artwork-ie clear out the accumulated cobwebs and neurosis and bring to light all that's been gestating the past 30+ years. So here it is. Look forward to sharing a few ideas and images with you! Come over & rap with us:

Monday, September 11, 2006

We All Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends

Are you familiar with the Blog, Aging Hipsters, one of the best on the Web--especially form us aging hipsters? But surely you Gen X folks must enjoy our Baby Boomer tales. In any case, the editors of Aging Hipsters were kind enough to give me a link on their Blog; and I've gotten more than a few referrals from them. Thanks, Guys--really appreciate it! These folks have an interesting story to tell; take a look.

Speaking of help and friends; today marks the fifth anniversary of 911--may we never know such tragedy again. None of us will ever forget the horror of those images on the TV screen. But hey, it made us realize the triviality of so much of our day to day lives, and how fleeting a nice and comfy situation can be.

May random acts of kindness abound,


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