A Look at the "Undercurrents"
Hope all's going well for you and yours. Keep on keeping on.
While doing an astrological reading for a friend's daughter a few weeks ago, an interesting thought flashed into my head. Nothing earth shattering, mind you, but I'm always struck when I come to these realizations.
This young woman was born in the 80's, a time when we were concerned with achievement, recognition and material success. (Those of us who were hitting our 30's then sure remember this era!) The planet Neptune, ruler of the sign Pisces was in Capricorn during the 80's. On the large scale, Neptune is associated with the "undercurrent", the sign of the times, even the general economic trends. On the other hand, Capricorn is the sign of achievement, recognition, materialism, and at its worst down right stinginess? Get the picture? The 80's were characterized by a general desire to achieve, be recognized and accumulate. Social consciousness was measured by the dollar; and one certainly didn't have to be so worried about being politically correct. As a matter of fact, I never heard the term until the late 90's, when Neptune had moved into the more altruistic Aquarius, where it will remain for about another 6 years.
It's interesting to note what we were reading and doing for entertainment during the 80's as opposed to now. Who out there in cyber space remembers the 80's bestseller, Truly Tasteless Jokes? In our current consciousness of politically correct, it's hard to believe that a book that told jokes about every ethnic group could have ever been a bestseller? Today, our big literary phenomenon is the Harry Potter Series, a magical, seven-part series of a poor, geeky, bullied English boy who discovers that he's not who he was always led to believe. The Harry Potter Series works great as a children's story, (Hey, kids got into reading again!) but many of us Baby Boomers have discovered that there's a lot more below the surface. J K Rowling, author of the series, has woven myths, histories, and traditions into a fabric of adventure and mystery that I can't get enough of. Those long forgotten and seemingly irrelevant humanities courses that we had to take in college back in the 70's have taken a new twist and rekindled the inspirations of youth for many of us aging Boomers--not so surprising since many of us Boomers have Neptune in Libra also an air sign, representing the intellect, like Aquarius. Will wonders ever cease?
Onward & Upward,
Paula, I know a funny site that you may enjoy. It was designed especially for baby boomer women. It has alot of funny videos, pictures, jokes and audio. The address is http://www.womensfunnyvideos.com
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