Minding The Store, And Everything Else
Greetings, Everyone,
Here we are into the Holiday Season. This time of the year, we start to think about wrapping things up, aside from gifts, making that final push to finish whatever we'd like to have done by the New Year. Unfortunately, all these good intentions are right in the frenzy of the Holiday Season, when everybody and his uncle are running around getting that gift for so-and so; ("Oh boy, we've intended to call them all year, where does the time go?") and if we invite them over, we'll have to invite them. Or let's see if we can get those new drapes up or the hardwood floor polished by year's end. This may not be your situation exactly, but I think we all get the picture. That last minute push, those last good intentions, and of course those feelings of frustration and fear that we'll never get it all done.
Many years ago, the late Stanley Marcus, founder of Neiman Marcus, Texas' upscale, avant-garde fashion store, wrote a bestseller, Minding The Store. This autobiographical book was quite the thing to read in those days among the fashion conscious ladies. Of course, I perused a copy, loved it at the time, but can't remember a single quote today. However, something of the gist of this book has probably stuck in the subconscious. After all, I went to art school right in the shadow of Neiman Marcus, and like all art students, had the itch to have my own creations seen front and center.
Unfortunately, like so many of us artists discover, this is most often not the reality of the world. The need to make a living pushes us under the hands of jobs and bosses, a fate that I've always ranked up there with Chinese Water Torture. But the itch to "mind the store" so to speak has never really left--OK, I admit to being a bit egotistical and a control freak. But with all that nothing is as rewarding as forcing yourself into the discipline and routine of continuing to create and push your creations under everybody's nose. And in our era of High Tech, creating, minding, and stocking your own store can be right at your fingertips--if you don't mind spending hours in front of a computer and becoming a bit of the Geek--there's always a price to pay for one's passions.
Speaking of passion, one thing that does stick in the layers of this old brain from Mr. Marcus' book is the very need to have a passion. Motivation has to come from within, and the challenge is the game to be won, or at least a decent showing. No boss is standing there threatening your livelihood, but the constant struggle with your own imagination and desire to create with the perception and reality of what others will want to buy is a tyranny that can chase one day and night. No boss is standing over you yelling "Idiot!" but one's likely to yell it in the mirror when that wonderful idea that took a couple of hours to implement didn't get a single hit. On the other hand, it's a lot of fun playing with the strategy and statistics in your own head--figuring out the whims of cyberspace and surfers than having an irate customers or bosses calling you an idiot--not much rest for the eyes or the little gray cells. (Shades of Hercule Poirot?, Agatha Christie fans?)
So with all that said, kindly allow me to virtually push some of the latest BFT creations under your nose. Simply follow the links below; all links open in a new window. That way, when you close the window, you'll return to this Blog.
1) Gifts for the Season of Giving
A new section in BFT especially for the holidays. Among the sections in this gifts section is the 2006 Calendar Section. I've always noticed that people often buy or give as gifts special types of calendars. So here are a few designs that we hope you'll enjoy.
2) Way Out Weird Stuff
OK, I've admitted before that I'm an aging Boomer, and the taste for the weird stuff still comes out. Surely I'm not the only one! Why not put some of those absurdities that pop into the imagination on a few Tee's and Mugs?
3) BFT's latest Tees & Mugs
These sections of BFT are where it all hangs out. "Inspirations" from everywhere, old and new. Check it out.
4) A Tribute to John Lennon
I just can't seem to let this one go. 8 December will mark the 25th Anniversary of John Lennon's assassination--that's a whole generation now, and must admit I'm still stymied by the fact that he's gone. Were the 60's and 70's really that unique or was I just at that "Impressionable Age"? Maybe a bit of both; some who were still small children or not even born yet at the time of The Beatles, Flower Power, Anti-War Era feel a special connection to John. Maybe it's something in the Stars--more on that later. Whatever, do take some time, browse, take in a little nostalgia, and enjoy.
Finally, if you'd enjoy a few pic-prints/posters, be sure to check out Just Prints
Must run along now, but we'll be in touch.
We at BFT wish all a happy, healthy, peaceful Holiday Season,
Whichever holiday(s) you celebrate!
Onward and Upward,
~Paula Gaon
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